Corporate Giving

Be Part of the PHC Team! 

We help companies achieve their business objectives by partnering with them to ensure no family goes without shelter.

We put a lot of importance on the word partnership. Partnerships are about shared values, mutual benefits and measurable impact.

Help us give the tools that enable people to rebuild homes and transform their lives.

Inspire your customers
Contribute to our work and use our eye-catching content to align your business or brand with a simple, compelling cause that resonates with millions of people.

Engage your staff
Partner with PHC to increase staff engagement, attract talent and drive down staff turn-over.

Boost your performance
Become one of our high-value partners and benefit from the same leadership, team-building and problem-solving expertise we use to train response teams to be effective in some of the most challenging and dangerous environments in the world.

Let’s talk more
Let’s chat about how your company can work with PHC-DC– get in contact with our Corporate Partnership Team.